Fondo Paez

Cauca, Kolumbien

Quick Facts

Country: Kolumbien

Location: Santander de Quilichao, Cauca Region

Members: 550

Alttitude: 1800-2000

Varietals: Typica, Bourbon, Caturra, Colombia

Processing: washed

Cupprofile: Raisin, apricot, honey blossom and brown sugar


Located in the Cauca department, Fondo Paez is the largest indigenous coffee producers group in Colombia. The cooperative was founded with the goal of re-learning the traditional indigenous culture after years of opression.


Fondo exported its coffee through the FNC from 2000 to 2012, and work now with ExpoCosurca, a local exporter based in Popayan that supports local community to access international markets. The quality control is run by the cooperative itself, and members

receive a differentiated price according to the yield of the coffee they deliver. This method is inspired by the system implemented by the FNC all accross the country.

Read more.

Our last visit was in June 2022. Read about what’s new for the cooperative and its producers and what we learned during the visit.